Graphic design by bobbyblue
In this superlative mystery comedy
statuettes of little soldier boys on the mantel of a house on an island
off the coast of Devon fall to the floor one by one as those in the
house succumb to a diabolical avenger. A nursery rhyme tells how each
of the ten "soldiers" met his death until there were none.
Eight guests who have never met each other or their apparently absent
host and hostess are lured to the island and, along with the two house
servants, marooned. A mysterious voice accuses each of having gotten
away with murder and then one drops dead---poisoned. One down and nine
to go! |
Agatha Christie Limited, a Chorion Company. All rights reserved.
Featuring: | As: |
Carmine DePaulo | Rogers |
Dolores Medeiros | Mrs. Rogers |
Williams Edwards | Fred Narracott |
Dawn Cates | Vera Claythorne |
Brent Beebe | Philip Lombard |
Mandy Manousos | Marston |
Jim Coryelle | William Blore |
Ryk Houseman | General MacKenzie |
Peggy Rose | Emily Brent |
John Baldwin | Sir Lawrence Wargrave |
David Ammon | Dr. Armstrong |
Ana-Catrina Buchser | Director |
George Doeltz | Producer |
Michael Antonucci | Stage Manager |
Triton Museum Hall Pavilion
Warburton & Don, Santa Clara
April 3, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 2009 at 8:00 PM
April 4, 12, 19 at 2:30 PM
Champagne opening- $18
Other performances - $15
Senior and student discounts available
For Tickets see our Box Office page